
Chosen Peoples : Being the First "Arthur Davis Memorial Lecture" delivered before the Jewish Historical Society at University College on Easter-Passover Sunday, 1918/5678


Israel Zangwill's 'Chosen Peoples' is a compelling exploration of the concept of chosenness across different cultures and religions. Drawing on historical and literary sources, Zangwill examines the idea of a people selected by destiny or deity, and how this belief has shaped societies throughout history. Zangwill's writing is rich with philosophical insights and social commentary, making 'Chosen Peoples' a thought-provoking read that challenges readers to reexamine their own ideas about chosenness and identity. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in theology, history, or cultural studies. Zangwill's eloquent prose and deep understanding of his subject make 'Chosen Peoples' a valuable contribution to the study of religious and cultural identity. By delving into the complexities of chosenness, Zangwill prompts readers to question their own assumptions and beliefs, leading to a deeper understanding of the role that this concept plays in shaping individual and collective identities.